Creating pages

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Creating new wiki pages

It is recommended to test locally using zola serve and zola check.

For things not listed in here, check the zola docs.


All pages are stored in the content/wiki directory. If you want to create a new page, add a file there in an appropriate location. The first thing you will need is a front matter.

title = ""
show.sidebar = false

If show.sidebar is disabled, all pages will still be shown in the all pages tab.


All sections are also stored in content/wiki. Sections are all folders, like for example content/wiki/howto. All sections need an index file called, which also requires a front matter.

title = ""
show.sidebar = false

The fields for a page are the same as for a page.

Zola doas now detect links only written as https://... automatically. Links need to be written in Markdown syntax: [https://...](https://...).

To convert links, there is a script to in scripts/ to do this.